We believe that actuarial 
advice should be delivered in plain English

Actuarial Consultancy

We believe that actuarial advice should be delivered in plain English and should enable the Trustees and Company to make informed decisions. To facilitate this we enjoy meeting our clients regularly to discuss relevant issues, because we find that a face-to-face meeting provides the environment best suited to improving understanding and achieving the right outcome for all.

Our Clients operate in a commercial environment and our advice must be pragmatic and appropriate in that context.  We cannot take your pensions problems away … but we will ensure that we understand them and work with you to find the best solution.

Our Actuarial Services include the following:

For Trustees

  • acting as Scheme Actuary
  • advice to trustees or companies in connection with the preparation and maintenance of their Statement of Funding Principles
  • carrying out triennial actuarial valuations, and interim annual reports, including all associated certificates and schedules
  • regular review of all actuarial factors used for the calculation of transfer values, the commutation of pension for cash and the adjustment to pensions commencing other than at Normal Retirement Age
  • regular valuations of the pension scheme for the sponsoring company, in accordance with UK, US or International accounting standards
  • advice and negotiation in connection with the effects on the pension scheme of the purchase, sale or merger by the employer of a company or business.

For Employers

  • advice in connection with accounting for the pension scheme under UK and international accounting standards
  • advice regarding scheme design
  • advice and assistance in connection with the sale or purchase of a business
  • liability risk management.

Providing a first-rate, personal service

Actuarial Consultancy

We believe that actuarial advice should be delivered in plain English and should enable the Trustees and Company to make informed decisions. To facilitate this we enjoy meeting our clients regularly to…

Investment Consultancy

Our approach to investment consultancy begins with the Asset Planning Cycle, shown below. We believe that, by following this process, Trustees will find that they are conforming to many of the Myners'...

Pensions Administration

Members rarely comment on good administration - after all they are receiving the right benefits at the right time. However, when things go wrong… Our ethos is that Pensions Administration is…

Pensions Consultancy

We should like you to regard your Pension Consultant as the Scheme's own in-house pensions manager. He, or she, will coordinate all the other services we provide for you, keep you up-to-date with developments...

Closed Defined Benefit Schemes

Many defined benefit pension schemes are now closed to new entrants, and of those a good proportion have closed also to future pension accrual These schemes have the potential to run for many more years...

Trustee Training

There is now a formal requirement for trustees to have sufficient knowledge and understanding to fulfil their duties effectively. This is commonly referred to as TKU - for Trustee Knowledge and Understanding...