Our approach to investment consultancy is pragmatic and proportionate

Investment Consultancy

Our approach follows the Asset Planning Cycle, shown below. This process helps Trustees to make rational decisions, while conforming to best practice. It can be seen that the cycle is a continuous process. Although it is normal to start with Objectives and Attitudes to risk, the process does not stop when an investment strategy has been implemented.

Small schemes differ from each other just as much as large schemes – and so we tailor our investment advice to suit your scheme’s needs.

Our investment services include the following:

  • asset-liability management (ALM) studies
  • strategic asset allocation advice
  • updates on issues and developments in investment markets
  • monitoring the performance of the investment managers against their benchmarks
  • quarterly bulletins to trustees covering the performance of their investments in relation to their objectives
  • comment on the continued appropriateness of the trustees’ investment objectives
  • liaison with the sponsoring employer, including discussion of their objectives.

We find that a useful and informative method of analysis for smaller schemes is to carry out projections that show the development of the scheme’s benefit payments and liability values over the future. When the benefit cashflows are compared with expected contributions to the scheme, one can see when cashflows will turn negative. At that time the scheme investments will have to produce income if assets are not to be disinvested to pay benefits.

The liability values will guide the trustees as to an appropriate timescale for achieving their long-term objective. We can then help the trustees to develop a “flightpath” for efficient de-risking of their investments within that timescale.

Providing a first-rate, personal service

Actuarial Consultancy

We believe that actuarial advice should be delivered in plain English and should enable the Trustees and Company to make informed decisions. To facilitate this we enjoy meeting our clients regularly to…

Investment Consultancy

Our approach to investment consultancy begins with the Asset Planning Cycle, shown below. We believe that, by following this process, Trustees will find that they are conforming to many of the Myners'...

Pensions Administration

Members rarely comment on good administration - after all they are receiving the right benefits at the right time. However, when things go wrong… Our ethos is that Pensions Administration is…

Pensions Consultancy

We should like you to regard your Pension Consultant as the Scheme's own in-house pensions manager. He, or she, will coordinate all the other services we provide for you, keep you up-to-date with developments...

Closed Defined Benefit Schemes

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Trustee Training

There is now a formal requirement for trustees to have sufficient knowledge and understanding to fulfil their duties effectively. This is commonly referred to as TKU - for Trustee Knowledge and Understanding...